- GameBoy Color
- GameBoy Advance
- Super Nintendo
- Nintendo 64
- Gamecube
- Playstation
- Playstation 2
- Dreamcast
- Coming At a Later Date...
- Toa
- Turaga
- Tohunga
- Rahi
Anniversary-to come!
Posted By Noodle on 02/03/02 |
So for a loooong time with no updates. Busy. Well The Dungeon's 1-year anniversary (however its spelled) is coming up in about a month.
Since I haven't updated in a while I am getting a LOT of pages ready for the "big day". So in about a month I will try to have about 50
new pages ready for uploading on this site. That should make up for all the times that I haven't updated. Well, today is Super Bowl Sunday.
Go Rams! Kill the Patriots the Steelers should have been there! ...oops got a little carried away. Well, later.
Cheats & Reccomendations
Posted By Noodle on 01/13/02 |
Hey, no updates for a while so I'm back with five pages of CHEATS! Super Smash Bros Melee [GCN], Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader [GCN],
NFL Blitz 2001 [N64], Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 [GBA], and Final Fight One [GBA]. View them all in the cheats section. Also I have played PIKMIN and Super Smash Brothers Melee
for about 10 hours each over the weekend (unfortunatly with no memory card) and they are both 5 star games. Anyone with a Gamecube is reccomended to get them. Well until the next, update
Hope You Had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...
Posted By Noodle on 01/02/02 |
Well I haven't updated in about 16 days, but like I said, i've been busy, and I was out of state for about a week or so around
Christmas. I got Warioland 4 and Golden Sun (both GBA games). Golden Sun is amazing. Warioland 4 is pretty cool. Well yesterday was New Year.
I hope that 2002 will be a good year, and that I get my gamecube this year. Also, we have 2 new affiliates: Final Fantasy METRO, a reg. affiliate and
Virtual Gamers, a Bro Site. Go check those sites out when your done here. Well I hope I can start updating more often again but I have to start school again, so
If I don't update in a while, it's because I can't, and if I ever close this site I will tell you but I don't plan on it anytime soon. Well,
I'm Not dead, Just Busy
Posted By Noodle on 12/15/01 |
Hey, long time no updates, again. Well I've been busy, but no I'm not dead. This weeks update (or so it seems) I got four
gaming news articles from J. Franks. Also one of my affiliates has changed url's, and I have special message from NinQuest.
"Like the TV show Survivor? Ever wondered what it was like? Now is
your chance! Please come join our Survivor-RPG! We are taking applications
NOW at http://survivor-rpg.tripod.com hurry places are going fast and we are
only taking 16! Survivor-RPG is under ownership of NinQuest. JOIN NOW!"
This is bad..
Posted By Noodle on 12/6/01 |
Ok, that was bad. No updates for a looooong time. Well, I haven't even been on the internet for about 3 weeks. Sorry about this.
Well to start of this small update I got a new brother site, Dann's Cube. He has also joined my button exchange as soon as I can get it working again.
Secondly and lastly, I got the first news article of December from J. Franks. Also Super Smash Bros Melee was released a few days ago I hope everyone with
a Gamecube (not me) bought that game cause it looks sweet. Well If I don't update in a long time again please be patient I am busy, but our wrestling season is
almost over.